Community Resource Centre

The Community Resource Centre (CRC) is a purpose-built centre which provides access to resources and facilities for people who have an identified physical, psychological, intellectual or social need and for the professionals and organisations that assist them.
The CRC aims to support and empower individuals and families in the community by ensuring they have access to the most appropriate services and resources to meet their needs.
The CRC is owned and operated by the Banana Shire Council with support from various government and non-government funding sources and public donations.
Who is eligible for Membership?
Individuals, Groups or Organisations are eligible for CRC Membership if they:
- Work in the area of health or education
- Work with referred members
- Have an identified physical, psychological, intellectual or social need
- Are referred by: CRC Senior Program Advisor, Doctor, Teacher, Allied Health Professional, Guidance Officer or Nurse
Individuals, Groups or Organisations are not eligible for CRC Membership if their primary activity:
- Involves commercial enterprise
- Does not have an identified physical, intellectual, psychological or social need
- Does not involve supporting those with an identified physical, intellectual, psychological or social need
Membership entitles you to:
- Borrow resources and equipment
- Discounted registration fees to attend CRC workshops and professional development
- Discounted services charges
- Discounted use of CRC facilities
School Membership entitles teaching staff to:
- Borrow resources and equipment
- Utilise the CRC facilities at a discounted rate
- Discounted registration fees to attend CRC workshops and professional development.
- Discounted services charges
All members are required to pay an annual membership fee, which requires:
- Completion of Application for Membership
- Payment of Annual membership fee (see Fees & Charges)
CRC Fees & Charges
Link to BSC Fees and Charges.
Scroll to find Community Resource Centre Fees & Charges for:
- Room Hire
- Services
- Hire of Equipment
- Membership Fees
- Therapy Services
Specialist Disability Services to Schools (SDSS) Program - Funded Support for Eligible Students
This is an ongoing education support program providing financial assistance to approved organisations to help improve educational opportunities and enhance the learning outcomes of students with disability by supporting their access to and praticipation in curriculum.
SDSS Program funding enables the CRC to offer various programs to schools including:
School Support Services
Teachers and HoSES collaborate with CRC therapists to design and deliver individualised programs to meet student needs. Therapy team includes:
- Physiotherapist
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Educator
- Therapy Assistant
Specialised Equipment
Appropriate specialised equipment is available to schools to assist eligible students with mobility, communication and social interaction.
Current SDSS Eligibility Criteria
Students must be enrolled in a State or Non State School and have a verified diagnosis in one or more of the following categories:
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Hearing Impairment (HI)
- Intellectual Disability (ID)
- Physical Impairment (PI)
- Social Emotional Disorder (SED)
- Speech Language Impairment (SLI)
- Vision Impairment (VI)
How can Schools access SDSS Funded Services?
SDSS funded services are accessed via CRC School Request for Student Support Form which must be submitted by the Principal or a nominated delegate (eg, HoSES, Learning Support Staff or Classroom Teachers).
These areas provide an opportunity for a variety of physical and social activites for both children and adults.
Life Skills Training Areas
Our kitchen, laundry, and bathroom can be utilised to teach skills in self-care, household management and social interaction.
Treatment and Interview Rooms
Interviews, assessments and treatments can be facilitated between professionals and individuals as well as small group skills development workshops. Allowing for physical distancing the following rooms can accommodate:
- Meeting Room 1 (MR1): 2 to 3 people
- Meeting Room 2 (MR2): 4 to 5 people
- Meeting Room 4 (MR4): 4 to 5 people
Meeting & Training Room
This area is a flexible space to cater for a variety of meeting and training activities. Allowing for physical distancing, this room can accomodate 10-12 people and is adjacent to a large breakout area and a fully equipped kitchen.
Outdoor Play Spaces
With 2 separately fenced playgrounds housing a variety of equipment to suit a range of ages and capabilities.
Areas for Hire
For information about hiring CRC facilities, contact our staff via email or by phone 07 4992 7360.
For a reasonable charge, the following services are provided:
- Binding
- Printing and Scanning
- Laminating
- Photocopying
The following equipment is available for hire:
- Display Boards
- Portable Screen
Families, Therapists and Organisations
The Community Resource Centre (CRC) houses a library of resources and equipment that can be used by families, therapists and teaching professionals to enhance their own, their students’, clients’ and parents’ teaching and learning needs.
Please contact the CRC for information regarding:
- services available locally
- membership
- access to the resource library
- planned workshops and Professional Development events
- areas for hire
- NDIS services - the CRC is registered to provide Therapeutic Support and Early Childhood Support
The CRC is owned and operated by the Banana Shire Council with support from various government and non-government funding sources and public donations.
Resource and Equipment Library
The CRC resource library is an extensive collection of resources and specialised equipment to assist with the development of specific skills.
Resources include:
- Tables, desks & specialised seating
- Bikes, trikes and frame runners
- Toys and games
- Skill development kits
- Reference books and materials
- Specialised mobility
- Communication equipment
To borrow resources or equipment, either:
- Complete a Resource Request Form and email to
- Phone or email your request
- Come in and browse
CRC Forms
All CRC forms can be found here.
Contact Us |
Opening Hours |
102 Rainbow Street, Biloela, QLD, 4715 PO Box 412, Biloela, QLD, 4715 Phone: 07 4992 7360 Email: |
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Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm |