

Cemetery Locations

Banana Shire Council currently administers or is Trustee for eleven cemeteries in total across the region.   The table below provides the location of each cemetery and interment type permitted at each.

Cemetery Interment Types Location

Banana Cemetery

Closed to all new interments

Archer Street, Banana

Baralaba Cemetery

Monumental Cemetery

Columbarium Wall

Woollers Road, Baralaba

Biloela Monumental Cemetery

New interments are subject to Council approval

Gladstone Road, Biloela

Biloela Lawn Cemetery

Lawn Cemetery

Columbarium Wall

Memorial Garden

Valentine Plains Road, Biloela

Cracow Cemetery

Monumental Cemetery

Eidsvold-Theodore Road, Cracow

Jambin Cemetery

Monumental Cemetery

Columbarium Wall

Burnett Hwy, Jambin

Moura Cemetery

Lawn Cemetery

Columbarium Wall

Theodore-Moura Road, Moura

Taroom Cemetery

Monumental Cemetery

Lawn Cemetery

Columbarium Wall

Cromwell Street, Taroom

Theodore Cemetery

Monumental Cemetery

Columbarium Wall

Woolthorpe Road, Theodore

Theodore Pioneer Cemetery

Closed to all interments

Goolara-Heinekes Road, Theodore

Wowan Cemetery

Monumental Cemetery

Columbarium Wall

Wowan Cemetery Road, Wowan

Goovigen Cemetery is administered by Trustees.

Cemetery Management

The following management processes have been established to enable Council to effectively manage cemeteries for the comfort of all visitors.

Graves and burials: 

  • Graves are for interments and ashes placements
  • Burial of bodies must be undertaken by a suitably qualified funeral director
  • Burial of ashes may be interred by private persons during Council's ordinary business hours subject to Council approval.  Ashes in graves are required to be interred at the base of the plaque/concrete beam

Mausoleums or vaults:

  • Are only permitted in monumental cemeteries and require written Council approval.


  • Monuments are only permitted in general cemeteries.
  • Monuments must comply with AS4425, and require Council approval
  • Any monuments identified as posing a safety risk will be given a risk ranking.
  • Council will not repair monuments, and will only act to ensure public and employee safety.

Columbarium walls:

  • The container holding the ashes must be constructed of a suitable weather resistant material.
  • Standard cast brass plaque or Commonwealth War Graves Plaques are permitted without approval.  The placing of non-standard plaques is subject to approval by Council.
  • The placing of nameplates, tokens, toys, tributes, figurines, vases, bottles or containers for the holding of flowers, other than the memorial vases is not permitted.

Lawn Cemetery:

  • Council will maintain, repair and preserve lawn cemetery graves, including filling any subsidence, but are not responsible for maintenance, or repairs to any headstone
  • Graves are not to be enclosed with any railing or kerbing, and no tree, shrub or other plant is to be placed or planted on any grave other than at Council's discretion
  • Following a burial, mementos and items placed on new graves will be removed after 4 months and placed on the concrete plinth.  Small mementos and ornaments may continue to be kept on the concrete plinth after this time, but not left on the grassed area
  • Following a burial, wreaths, flowers and artificial flowers will be removed from the grave after 6 weeks.
  • Cut and artificial flowers provided by families are to be placed in vases of a type approved by Council
  • Approved vases are flower urns, and metal vases only.  Glass jars and other vases are not permitted and will be removed at Councils discretion.  Vases are not to exceed a height of 250mm (10") and are only permitted on the concrete plinth.  A maximum of two (2) vases can be placed on each individual headstone
  • Council will take every care when maintaining the cemetery but will not accept any responsibility for any accidental or unintentional damage caused to monuments, memorials, photographs, vases, artificial flowers or other structure or any other item placed on a grave during routine operation and maintenance of the cemetery

If you require any further information, assistance or detail please Contact Council.


To reserve a grave or niche, contact Banana Shire Council on 49929500.  An application form is available here.

Your funeral director will generally make all arrangements for interment.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is a reserve?
    • The pre-purchase of a burial or ashes site (burial rights). This does not include the cost of the burial.
  • What is a plot?
    •  A plot is a grave. This is also referred to as a site or position.
  • Can I reserve a plot?
    • Yes, see 'Reserves' page for more information.
  • Can I be buried in an old grave?
    • Yes in the majority of cases. Each site is required to be investigated for availability. Ashes can also be placed in general or monumental sites.
  • Can ashes go into a grave?
    • Yes, in all sections with approval from the Burial Rights Holder.
  • What is a Burial Rights Holder?
    • A Burial Rights Holder is the person responsible for a plot or ashes niche. When a funeral arrangement is made the person who signs the paperwork is the designated Burial Rights Holder of that site.
  • Do I own my burial position?
    • No. The land remains under the administration of Council. The Burial Rights Holder purchases the rights to that burial site. Only Burial Rights Holders can authorise burials, ashes placements and memorial additions to that site.
  • I would like my partner placed in the same position as myself. Is this possible?
    • Yes. The majority of burial positions are prepared for 2 burials.
  • If I reserve a plot, but my circumstances change, can I get a refund?
    • Council will purchase back the Right of Burial for unused graves at cost of the original purchase, less an administration fee, see Council's fees and charges.
  • Can I sell my reserved burial plot?
    • No. You are not able to sell your plot to another person.
  • When I pass away, what is required for my family to use my reserve?
    • Your family will contact your nominated Funeral Director who will attend to confirmation of your reserve and burial arrangements.
  • How do I organise the purchase of my position?
    • To reserve a plot simply complete Council's 'Reserve a Grave/Niche/Garden Placement Form'. Once payment is made to Council, a copy of the form will be sent to you for your records. It is advisable to inform your relatives of this purchase.
  • Why should I reserve my burial position?
    • Reserving a plot gives you the ability to be close to a loved one who has passed away. It can give you peace of mind knowing where your final resting place will be.
  • Who is responsible for the memorial?
    • The next of kin, or the Burial Rights Holder may nominate a responsible person.
  • You want to be buried, but your spouse/partner wants to be cremated. Can you be together?
    • Yes, please contact your Funeral Director of choice and pre plan your arrangements. Ashes may be placed in a coffin or grave site.
  • Can ashes be moved from another city to here?
    • Yes, ashes can be transfered top a new location. There are forms to be completed for the retrieval and new placement of the ashes. Fees would apply for this.
  • What is a funeral plan and do I need one?
    • A funeral plan is the pre arrangement of your wishes and the prepayment of your plot, which alleviates the financial stress and burden of making the decision of burial or cremation by your family. You do not have to have a funeral plan, but it is recommended if you don't then at least advise your family of your choices.

For more information, please see Council's Cemetery Fact Sheet