Rates & Utility Charges

Banana Shire Council issue rate notices twice a year – on the second Monday in August and February. From the date of the notice, property owners have 35 days to pay or enter into a payment arrangement. A 10% discount on applicable rates and charges will be allowed if payment of the full amount outstanding, including any overdue rates and interest, is received by the due date shown on the notice.
Supplementary Notices may be issued at various times during the year to some ratepayers to account for changes to their services or valuations. For example; sewerage pedestal rates after building a new residence on vacant land; commencing a garbage service etc. Council will also grant a 10% discount on supplementary levies providing all rates and charges are paid by the due date.
Just as Federal and State Governments collect taxes to pay for their programs, Council collects rates and charges to provide the essential services and infrastructure to the community. These services include but are not limited to roads, drainage, water and sewerage infrastructure, waste collection facilities and public facilities such as parks and libraries.
Further information in relation to who sets rates, how they are decided, and what types of rates and charges exist in Queensland please follow this link to the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning website.