
Banana Shire Library Service
The Banana Shire Library & Information Service serves an area of 28,577 sq kms and a population of approximately 16,000 operating a central library at Biloela, branch libraries at Moura, Taroom and Theodore, and a Mobile Library Service to seven townships in the Shire.
Friendly and helpful staff at our libraries can assist you with your reading and information needs. There are approximately 52,000 resources including books (Large Print and standard), magazines, newspapers, audio books, music CDs, videos, DVDs, graphic novels available for loan. Interlibrary loans and community language resources are available on request.
Suggestions for purchase are encouraged for items that are current and popular.
Library Quicklinks
- Search the Online Catalogue
- Libby/OverDrive eBooks & eAudio Book
- BorrowBox eBooks & eAudio Books
- Digital Community Language Items
Please Note:
The Biloela and Moura Libraries will be closed on Monday 7th October 2024 for the King’s Birthday Public Holiday. All libraries will be open again as per their regular operating hours from Tuesday 8th October 2024. Afterhours return boxes continue to be available. If you have any questions, please contact Biloela Library on 4992 7362 or e-mail
Library Services
Branch |
Opening Times |
Location |
Biloela |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday |
9.00am - 5.30pm 9.00am - 5.30pm 9.00am - 5.30pm 9.00am - 7.00pm 9.00am - 5.30pm 9.15am - 1.00pm |
Phone: 07 4992 7362 Email: PO Box 412, Biloela Qld 4715 Cnr Grevillea & Melton Streets, Biloela |
Moura |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.30am - 5.00pm 8.30am - 5.00pm 8.30am - 5.00pm 8.30am - 5.00pm 8.30am - 5.00pm Closed 12pm - 1pm Monday - Friday 9.30am - 12.30pm
Phone: 07 4997 3197 34 Gillespie Street, Moura |
Taroom |
Tuesday Thursday Friday
9.30am - 5.00pm 9.30am - 5.00pm 9.30am - 5.00pm Closed 1pm - 2pm daily |
Phone: 07 4627 3355 24 Yaldwyn Street, Taroom |
Theodore |
Tuesday Thursday
10.00am - 4.00pm 10.00am - 4.00pm Closed 12pm - 1pm daily |
Phone: 07 4993 1229 33, The Boulevard, Theodore |
Mobile |
The Mobile Library visits towns and some schools in the Shire on a fortnightly basis. For more information please phone the Biloela Library on: 07 4992 7362. |
Free library membership is open to Queensland residents.
Temporary membership (3 months) is available to non-residents of Queensland for a refundable fee of $34.00 per borrower.
If you are staying in the Shire for more than 3 months you can renew your membership once more for 3 months. The refundable fee must be claimed upon cessation of membership, prior to leaving the Shire.
Terms and conditions of library membership:
Council deals with personal information in accourdance with law, including the Information Privacy Act 2009. By becoming a member of Banana Shire Libraries Service I agree to comply with all requirements of Library Membership and any lawful directions given by library staff.
I will:
- Take good care of all library materials borrowed on my card. I understand the loss or damage of library items issued on my library card are my responsibility and will incur repair or replacement charges;
- Return all items borrowed by the respective due dates, and pay any charges resulting from late return of items;
- Understand membership may be suspended if items are overdue or I have outstanding charges;
- Advise the library staff as soon as possible of an change in my contact details or loss of my membership card;
- Comply with the conditions of the Copyright Act 1968 and any subsequent amendments in relation to the use of library items and services; and
- Utilise library facilities in a manner that will not cause offence to other patrons or staff, or damage to person or property.
To apply for membership to Banana Shire Library Service in person:
- Go to one of the Banana Shire Library locations.
- Produce one form of identification showing their current residential address, e.g. a current driver's licence or telephone account.
- Complete an application form.
- For children and young people under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian who qualifies for adult membership, must request membership on their behalf and must provide the above identification, as well as a medicare card or similar with the child's name on it.
Your application will be processed and you will receive a library membership card. You may start using the library service immediately.
You can also register online through the "Join" tab (top left) on our Online Library Service page.
Once registered:
- You can collect your library card from any of our libraries.
- You will need to produce one form of identification showing your current residential address, e.g. a current driver's licence or telephone account.
- Junior members will need to have your parent or guardian with you when you visit the Library to collect your borrowing card to sign as a guarantor. Your parent or guardian must have proof of guardianship, ie medicare card.
- You are able to use limited online services prior to collecting your library card.
- Use the barcode and PIN provided through the online registration process to browse, search and reserve items via the online catalogue.
- Login using your barcode and PIN.
- Register another member.
If you have any questions contact us at any one of our branches or email us at
Members of Banana Shire Library Service:
- Must present their library membership card when borrowing
- May borrow up to 20 items at any one time.
- Have items for a three-week loan period. Extended loan periods can be requested.
- May renew their items, by phone or in person, for a further three weeks provided that, the items have not been requested by another borrower.
- Are limited to 4 CDs and 4 DVDs at a time, due to the size of the collection.
Fines accrue on overdue items at a rate of 30 cents per item per day.
Home Library Service
The Home Library Service delivers fortnightly, in the Biloela and Thangool areas, on a Tuesday. Staff select resources according to your needs and co-ordinate delivery to the homes of Library members; this is a free service. Deliveries are made to those who have been deemed physically unable to access the library by a 'certifying authority' (Doctor, Therapist, Social Worker, etc). Download an Application for Home Library Service.
For more information regarding eligibility for the Home Library Service, please contact Library Staff at the Biloela Library on (07) 49927362
Interlibrary Loans
An Inter Library Loan (ILL) may be able to be sourced for items the library does not hold. This service will incur a $5.60/item fee, payable on request.
If the lending library has extra charges we will contact you before proceeding with the request.
Community Language Resources
An extensive collection of books in over 58 languages is available for loan by members of the community for whom English is not their primary language. These items are part of the State Library of Queensland's collection and can be requested for use.
Enquiries relating to these requests should be directed to the Biloela Library on Ph (07) 49927362 or email:
Digital Community Language Resources
There is also a collection of 25 community language books in eBook and eAudiobook format available for loaning by following the link provided bleow and entering your Library Card number and PIN. You can also download the cloudLibrary app for your digital device.
The languages currently available are: Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Protuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Turkish, Ukranian and Vietnamese.
Go to
eBooks and eAudio
Go to
Banana Shire Libraries are part of a consortium organised by the State Library of Qld.
To access - click on "Sign In", find "Banana Shire Library" in the drop down box, then put in your Library card barcode and PIN. You can also download the Libby app for your digital device.
Go to
To access - Click on "Sign In", enter your Library card barcode and PIN. If this is the first time you are signing in you may also need to provide an e-mail address. You can also download the BorrowBox app for your digital device.
Bulk Loans to Organisations
Bulk loans to pre schools, kindergartens and other organisations are available depending on availability of resources at the time of application.
The library provides services and collections for children of all ages.
- Storytime 5 years and under.
- Storytime gives pre-school age children and their parents the opportunity to listen to stories and enjoy craft activities.
- Biloela Library - Wednesday 10 am
- Moura Library - Tuesday and Thursday 9 am
- Taroom Library - Friday 10 am
- Theodore Library -Tuesday 10:30 am and Thursday 1:30pm
- Storytime does not take place during school holidays.
- Toddler Time 2-4 years.
- Toddler Time gives children the opportunity to listen to stories, sing and play while developing numeracy and social behaviours.
- Biloela Library - Friday 9:30 am
- Moura Library - Friday 9 am
- Toddler Time does not take place during school holidays.
- Baby Bounce 0-2 years.
- Designed for babies and toddlers, it provides an opportunity to develop literacy, numeracy and social behaviours from an early age.
- Biloela Library - Thursday 10 am
- Moura Library - Monday 9 am
- Taroom Library - Thursday 10am
- Baby Bounce does not take place during school holidays
- School holiday activities
- Run during school holidays at Biloela library, and at branch libraries by request - enquire at your local branch library. - Places are limited so book early on (07) 49927362.
- School visits & Library tours
- School visits and tours of the Library are encouraged. Library staff appreciate at least a week's notice to allow time to prepare a relevant programme and to ensure staff are available.
- Junior Collection
- Available for ages 0 –12 years (board books, picture books, independent readers, junior fiction and junior non-fiction books), magazines, videos, DVDs, audio books, and games that can be used in the Library.
- Access to eBooks and eAudio items from Libby by OverDrive by following this link and selecting Kids from the list at the top.
- Access to eBooks and eAudio items from BorrowBox by following this link and scrolling through the main page.
- Young Adult Collection
- Available for ages 12-18 (books, DVDs, Comics, audio books)
- Access to eBooks and eAudio items from Libby by OverDrive by following this link and selecting Teens from the list at the top.
- Access to eBooks and eAudio items from BorrowBox by following this link and scrolling through the main page.
- Parent Collection
- Picture books are available to help parents to explain some sensitive issues to their children. Eg death, feelings, stranger danger. There is also a range of adult non fiction titles available on various aspects of parenting located on the shelves at 649.1
Local History and Genealogy
Banana Shire has an interesting and diverse history associated with the land and the people who became part of it. The Banana Shire Library Service is committed to preserving the print and photographic material that documents our past.
Highlights of the collection include:
- "Central Telegraph" (local newspaper) on microfilm
- Queensland Births, Deaths, and Marriages" on microfiche
- Local family histories
- Videos of places and people within the Shire.
- The Charlee Marshall Poetry Collection.
- A Historic database of other resources within the Shire.
- A significant photographic collection.
- A Wide range Family History CD Roms
The collection can be accessed at the Biloela Library, and information can be requested from the branch libraries and the Mobile Library.
Internet/Email/Word Processing Facilities
Biloela, Moura, Theodore & Taroom Libraries have Internet access available to members of the public, as well as access to email and Microsoft Office. The first half hour of Internet access per day is free of change. Thereafter, Internet access costs $2.10 per half hour and $3.60 per hour timeslot. Prior bookings are encouraged.
Biloela, Moura and Theodore Libraries have printing facilities. Black & White Printing: 50 cents per A4 page.
State Library Databases
Queenslanders have access to a number of authoritative databases many of which are subscription only and not available through Google or other free search engines. You can search these databases to find articles on a broad range of topics in online journals, magazines, newspapers and ebooks. Many articles are offered in full text. Company information and Australian standards are also available.
Library Quicklinks
# | Name | Size | Date |