Banana Shire Flood Study - MOURA

Banana Shire Flood Study - MOURA
Historic flooding
Flooding in the Dawson River at Moura is controlled by both the Moura Weir and the Dawson Highway crossing of the Dawson River. Moura Township itself is not vulnerable to flooding from the Dawson River. The Township is approximately 7km from the main channel and 30m above the floodplain.
Extent of flooding
The below table explains the multiple Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood events analysed as part of the Study. AEP indicates the probability of a flood event occurring each year expressed as a percentage. Flood probability can also be expressed as an Annual Recurrence Interval (ARI).
Annual Exceedance Probability, AEP |
Approximate Annual Recurrence Interval, ARI |
Impact on Township |
5% chance of occurring each year or 5% AEP |
Approximately 1 in 20 year event |
1% chance of occurring each year or 1% AEP |
Approximately 1 in 100 year event |
1% AEP event Climate Change (CC) sensitivity simulation or 1% + CC AEP |
Approximately 1 in 100 year event - adjusted for climate change sensitivity |
A Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) event is the largest flood event that could occur at any given location. It is usually an estimated rainfall depth calculated using a range of methods and patterns. |
Considering the information above, the proposed area of investigation to protect residents from the impact of flooding is shown below.

Image: Proposed area of investigation and potential upstream mitigation option with 1% + CC AEP flood inundation depths shown
*The Nathan Dam and Pipelines Project is considered to be one of the best long-term solutions for the provision of reliable water supplies to the Dawson-Callide and Surat Basin areas of Queensland. This project is a major initiative, however it does not yet have business case or funding approval. It has been included as a flood mitigation measure because it is a plausible long-term, regional scale option that could provide flood benefits to the town of Baralaba.
Potential flood mitigation options
Flood mitigation strategies are aimed at reducing residual risk, improving safety, minimising damage by reducing peak flood levels and depths, improving warning times and reducing flow velocities. This can be achieved through both structural and non-structural measures.
Some non-structural measures already form part of Council’s current Local Disaster Management Plan and Planning Scheme. After the completion of the Floodplain Management Plan, additional measures and updates to Council’s plans and schemes may occur.
As the rural residential properties at risk lie within the expansive Dawson River floodplain, there are only a small number of feasible structural measures that could be implemented to reduce the flood risk in the proposed area of investigation. This area is shown in the image above.
The structural measures identified that may reduce flood risk within the proposed area of investigation include:
Low levees, large levees or a combination of both to provide some level of flood protection to residents
Individual property levees
Raising of existing stumped houses.
Submit your feedback
Community feedback is a vital tool when analysing the viability and acceptance of proposed areas of investigation. To submit your feedback, please fill out the survey by clicking on the link below.
When answering Question 4, please rate your most preferred option as 1, your second most preferred option as 2, your third option as 3, and least preferred option as 4.
Surveys can be downloaded and submitted by email at or by mail at Reply Paid GPO BOX 633, Brisbane QLD 4001.